Nothing Like VBS Week...
<div>I saw a meme on social media this week that said something like "There's no tired like VBS tired!" I'm not sure if that's completely accurate, but I do understand the point. In fact, I am feeling it myself! For sure, there's nothing like VBS week, from the adrenaline, to the noise, to the excitement of seeing God at work in the lives of children. As we wind down another great week of Vacation Bible School at Shelby Crossings, I wanted to share a few thoughts from our "Adventures in Egypt."</p> <p>*This was not your father's VBS! Hearing the music, and seeing the dancing and drama and games all reminded me how very different our Vacation Bible School at Shelby Crossings is from "back in the day." It wasn't just the ropes course or the live snakes or the visits from the noted archaeologist "Indiana Jim" we had have this week in our VBS, it's the fresh approach to make sure we communicate a never-changing message creatively and effectively in an ever-changing world. Though the methods may have changed a bit over the years, one constant is that genuine worship of our God and the teaching of His word are as important as ever. I'm confident that the Lord has been honored in our VBS this week, and that all the children who were here have heard a clear presentation of the gospel.</p> <p>*The "B" still what matters. As someone has said, the main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing, and we sure attempt to keep the Bible the main thing in "Bible school." You won't find many felt-board stories or sit-down chords--and we don't even pledge allegiance to the Bible or Christian flag like we did in days of old--but that doesn't mean we don't trust in God's word to transform lives. Each day our leaders have taught the real-life stories of Scripture and have helped the children to memorize God's word together. And of this I am sure: His word will not return void, until it has accomplished its purpose in the lives of those children.</p> <p>*VBS is loads of fun! I think one of the most valuable lessons we can teach children (and the workers too) is that following and serving the Lord is not boring and doesn't have to be serious all the time. Sure, we are dealing with issues of eternal significance that are truly life-and-death matters, but Jesus said in John 15 that He came so that His joy could be in us, and that accordingly, our joy would be complete. In other words, we can't fully enjoy our lives until Christ is in us--and when He is, life becomes a joyous adventure daily as we walk with Him. C.S. Lewis famously once said, "Joy is the serious business of heaven." And I sure hope the kids picked up on how serious we are about enjoying our time in the Lord with a fun week of VBS.</p> <p>*Our workers are amazing! We had several dozen adults and youth who spent hours and hours preparing for, and then pulling off a great Bible school. We have seen time and again how blessed we are with such servant-minded people at Shelby Crossings, and nothing better shows that than a week of serving together in Vacation Bible School. You all are such a joy, and I count it such a privilege to serve with you in this amazing church. Thanks for your hard work this week, and in the weeks leading us to this week. My prayer is that eternity will show the fruit of your gift of service.</p> <p>"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6) <br />--Pastor Ken</div> <p>]]</p>