One of our stated core values at The Church at Shelby Crossings is, "What we do, we do together." That speaks of the community life of our church, but it also involves our serving the Lord as a team, together. And that is never more true than in Vacation Bible School week.
Our church has a unique history of doing VBS a little differently-and very creatively--that has made this ministry especially rewarding and fruitful over the years. But it all began not with our ability, but with our inability. And then, our availability.
I have heard it said that where there is the right vision, there is always God's provision. Or, that God guides by what He provides. In other words, if the money is not coming in--you must not be doing something right. But maybe sometimes the opposite is true. Perhaps there are times when God guides by what He does not provide. Let me share an example.
Many of you know the story, how many years ago when the church was struggling and the economy was bottoming out, that we just didn't have money in the budget to fund an expensive Bible school. Just to purchase the pre-planned "box" of that year's popular theme for VBS was an expensive venture, plus the costs of decorations, craft supplies, recreation games and snacks can run into several thousands of dollars. We just didn't have the money to do it.
We decided to do a Vacation Bible School anyway, but instead of buying it, we created it ourselves. We planned out our own theme, wrote our own drama scripts and sketches, prepared our own Bible studies from Scripture, made up our own crafts from donated supplies, and even got creative with the snacks and games. In doing so, we put to use the gifts and talents of dozens of God's faithful people--and had our best VBS ever!
The next year, we did the same, and as the years have gone by we have continued the same creative approach to our own unique Bible schools, even when we found ourselves in better shape financially and could have funded the whole boxed deal. Year after year, the creative gifts of a body of believers working together demonstrates what church ministry can look like when everyone plays their part.
And in the process, God in His infinite wisdom gave to us what we might not have ever discovered had we not gone through those lean years financially--the reality that "what we do, we do together." That core value came to life then, and it still does 15 years later, as we seek to minister to children and families in our community with the love of Christ and the transforming truth of the gospel.
So, let me say "Thank you" to each of you who have served so faithfully over the years, and to those who will be serving this week. The Lord has been honored, and will continue to be as we "let our light shine before men, that they will see our good works, and glorify our Father who is in heaven." (Matt. 5:16)
I hope you can be with us for our Vacation Bible School this week--Monday through Friday, from 9:00 am to 12 noon. We'll also have a "family night" on Thursday, and everyone is encouraged to join us. If you can't be here in person, I hope you'll join us in praying for God's work in the lives of the children, and the workers too. I know He has exciting things in store for us this week as we serve Him...together.
I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful church body. I'm praying for you, as I hope you are for me, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.
--Pastor Ken