The Church at Shelby Crossings

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Why I Believe in Small Groups

This Wednesday night, Aug. 21, we will gather together as a church body for our annual ReGroup. I hope you can be with us for this important night in the life of our church, and I hope you will catch a vision for what our small groups can be, both for you and your family, and for our church as a whole. More than that, I hope that you are reminded and encouraged to be about our Father's business in the co-mission the Lord has given us. ReGroup is always a helpful time for us, as we take a step back from our regular routine and regroup--to "sharpen the saw" so that we can be better at doing small group ministry in the year ahead.  

I have written in this space in preparation for ReGroup in the past that I believe that small groups are the most important ministry in the church. We often say that groups are where church happens at Shelby Crossings, and I believe that is true. And so, at the risk of being a little redundant, I thought I would share here aagain what I have shared for the past several years a few reasons why I believe so much in small groups. 

First, they are biblical. From Jesus' ministry to His first disciples, to the embryonic structure of the early church life, the New Testament blueprint of church structure was much more in line with small groups than the large group congregational gathering that defines much of the modern church. Several times in the book of Acts the operative term for where the church gathered was "house to house." That is, the church thrived in homes more than in sanctuaries; if you know church history, you know that it was the 4th century before there was any such thing as a church building. As someone has said, the church was from its beginning a "living room religion," and I think it still functions best in that setting. 

Additionally, I think small groups are the most effective and efficient means to do what every church is supposed to do: make disciples. Christian discipleship happens best in the context of interpersonal relationships, not auditoriums filled with "audiences." Sitting in a circle with friends, learning God's word together, is much more interactive than sitting in rows looking at the back of someone's head, listening to someone up on a stage. When fellow followers of Christ are there to pray for you, encourage you, support you, and hold you accountable, you are much more likely to grow in your walk with the Lord. Plus, a small group of caring friends who share a common bond in Christ--where you can get real with one another--is the environment where genuine community is best experienced. 

And speaking of community, another reason I like small groups is their location and purpose: they are in the community, and for the community. That is, they are not building centered, but community centered. Our Lord's Great Commission called us to go into all the world and make disciples. But many have reversed that commission from a "go and tell" to an invitation to "come and hear" at the church building. When we meet in homes in our neighborhoods, we are better positioned to reach out to our neighbors where they are. As the old saying goes, if you want to catch fish, you need to go where the fish are. And we who have been called to be "fishers of men" need to begin our mission in our communities where we live, where the fish are hungry, and the fields are white unto harvest. 

Some of you will remember that in the year 2020--just in time for the Covid pandemic to arrive--we studied through the book of Acts for several months on Sunday mornings. We called that sermon series "20/20 Vision," in reference to Acts 20:20 where the church's ministry was "publicly and from house to house." That vision of church life reveals a both/and of public congregational worship and small groups in the home. I remember hearing someone refer to it as the two wings of church. Both wings are necessary, and if you try to fly with just wing, you will have a hard time getting off the ground, and you will be destined to crash. 

So I hope you will join us for ReGroup this week, and commit to being involved in a small group in the year ahead. I also hope you'll commit to joining us every week as we gather together "publicly" on Sundays for worship and to hear God's word proclaimed. I believe in that too, and I can't wait to see you all Sunday as we come together as the people of God to honor Him. 

I am praying for you, as I hope you are for me, and I look forward to seeing you Sunday.

--Pastor Ken