The Church at Shelby Crossings

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On Snow...and STOP Signs

<div>I need to confess up front that I'm not one of those grown-ups who sit around saying that they sure hope the snow misses us. I not only like it, I've been known to stay up all night watching the TV weather guys hyping the latest "Winter Storm 2011," and enjoy it. And as I write this on Thursday morning, I have to say how much I love the picture of the snow-covered ground outside my office window.</div> <p> <div>I'm not sure why I'm so fascinated and excited about snow. Maybe it's because I've been waiting for more than twelve years to make good use of my Clark W. Griswald disk that my wife bought me for Christmas the first year we moved into our house with the steep driveway. All these years later, our driveway has still never been covered with snow. Not once. But I have not given up.</div> <p> <div>Or, maybe it's because I love to see the excitement in my children's eyes as they see the flakes flurry from the sky, and as they build the inevitable snow man (or, recently, the "ice man") in our yard. Or maybe it's the beauty of God's creation all decked out in white. Perhaps a few winters up north would cure me of it for life, but for now I do like to see the "wintry precipitation."</div> <p> <div>I understand everyone doesn't feel that way. When I prayed in our small group on Wednesday night, thanking God for the snow that was falling outside, I heard a few groans more than "amens." Some see snow as a great inconvenience to their busy schedule. Or a safety hazard--or an emergency trip for milk and bread--to be avoided. But I see it, often, as God's meteorological STOP sign. Here in the south, snow usually shuts down our world for the day. It's a free holiday<em>--"Snow Day!"--</em>usually with no school, little or no work, and lots of play. And then you come inside, take off the cold, wet clothes, drink hot chocolate and stand by the fire. It doesn't get a lot better than that.</div> <p> <div>Frankly, I think God wants us all to build more STOP signs into our lives, no matter the weather, to "be still and know that He is God" (Psalm 46:10). I hope and pray that at least some of the Winter Storms of 2011 have provided some days for you to do just that.</div> <p> <div>We probably won't get much more in the way of winter weather this year, but it won't be because I don't wish it. But we do have plenty of opportunities to stop...<em>to be still...</em>and to let God intervene in our routine, and surprise us with His blessings from above. I pray you won't miss those opportunities, even this week.</div> <p> <div>I will say that I'm glad the weather forecasts call for clear skies (and roads) for the weekend so we won't have any problems getting together for worship at Shelby Crossings. I am praying for you, as I hope you are for me, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.</div> <div> </div> <div><em>--Pastor Ken</em></div> <p>]]</p>