I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
(3 John 1:4)
"Search for it like silver, and hunt for it like hidden treasure. Then you will understand respect for the Lord, and you will find that you know God." Proverbs 2:4
It is the heart of the Preschool & Children’s Ministries to encourage children to roll up their sleeves and search the very Words of God to discover the eternal treasures within. Rather than trying to give the kids a gold nugget of truth, we hope to partner with the parents and give the kids the tools to dig deep into the word and find more than a nugget.
This process of digging has three distinct areas:
Know God
Love People
Serve others
Know God
The ways that we try to help the kids know God is by study of the Word The opportunities to grow by knowing God include:
Life Groups (Sunday 9:00am)
KidMotion (Sunday 10:30am)
KidJam (Wednesdays 6:30pm – 8pm)
Love People
The children’s ministry of Shelby Crossings believes that the Greatest Commandment isn’t just for people over the age of 18. The giftings and challenges for Christians apply to all who are in the family of God. The opportunities to grow by loving people include:
Vacation Bible School
KidMotion – Kids are encouraged to “lead” worship and are included in the worship services.
KidJam – Students learn “how to” put faith into action.
Serve Others
The ability of kids to “serve others” is so closely tied to their lack of ability to drive a car, we rely heavily on the parents to be a part of this area of ministry.
VBS – The mission project for each year raises money for a children’s ministry.
KidJam– Kids are given the challenge to take their biblical knowledge and put “feet” on it in order to be a benefit to their family, community, and schools.
Life Groups
An age appropriate study of the Word of God. Life Groups give children the opportunity to grow together with friends their own age and learn more about God. They meet at 9am in Building A. At 10:30am, KidMotion is an upbeat, interactive worship time for kids that encourage them to have a lot of fun while they learn how to apply God's Word to their lives in the process. KidMotion begins each Sunday Morning at 10:30am in the Worship Center with the adults for the music portion of our worship and then move to Building A for their own worship. KidJam meets on Wednesday nights 6:30pm - 8pm in Building A during the school year. For more information on our Children’s Ministry contact Jim and Nannette Beckner.
Our Groups
Preschool (0-4 Years)
We also have a full schedule of ministry for preschoolers (including nursery) during both of our Sunday morning worship services. This is for little ones, ages birth through four years old. Parents, take your child to their classroom in the front of Building A or B as you arrive on Sunday, at either the 9:00 or 10:30 service.
Children (K5-6th Grade)
KidMotion Worship is provided for elementary age children during our 10:30 churchwide worship service. Kids join their parents for worship for the first 15-20 minutes of the service, then go with their leaders to the Kids Crossing Building (Bldg. A) for a Bible message designed especially for them. During the 9:00 hour is KidLife Bible study, also in Building A.
Your First Visit!
From the moment you park, you’ll notice lots of friendly faces eager to help you along.
Your first stop is the kid’s check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your information.
Then, you and your child will both get a sticker with a matching code. This sticker is also what you’ll use to pick-up your child after the service.
Talk to a Leader
This is Tara Murphy. She’s our Preschool Minister at Shelby Crossings. She has over 10 years experience in childcare and is a mom of 3 herself. She’d love to tell you more about our kids group, just ask!
Jim & Nannette!
Jim and Nannette Beckner are our Children’s Ministers at Shelby Crossings. They have 3 kids and make worshipping God and teaching children fun. They would love to tell you more about the children’s group!