A Word of Correction
Since today is Valentine's Day, I had planned on writing something in this space about love. But something happened last Sunday that has had me shook all week, and I wanted to address it one more time.
During my message during last week's 10:30 service, I inadvertently misspoke a word. But it was not just a verbal gaffe, it communicated something that I do not believe and that is diametrically opposed to what the Bible teaches. In listing off a number of things that are increasingly prevalent in our world today that I think have demonic origins, I included the word "adoption" in the list. I meant "addiction." When several people pointed it out to me right after the service, at first I was surprised I had said it. Then, I just wanted to gather everyone back together so I could offer a correction, but alas you all were on your way to your cars and it was too late. I immediately posted something on our church's Facebook and YouTube pages to clarify what I meant, and I hope that the hundreds of people who watch our services online each week got the message.
I know it's not that out of the ordinary for me to say something I either didn't mean to say, or probably shouldn't have said to begin with. Words are hard, and if you say enough of them, you are bound to say the wrong thing every now and then. Fortunately, you all have given me much grace over the years, and I am grateful.
Now, I will admit that since we started live-streaming our services back during the early days of Covid, I have been especially careful, and usually preach from a manuscript now to make sure I am specific about what I mean to say. But that doesn't mean that I won't read the wrong word, as I did on Sunday. For whatever it's worth, I read it correctly during the 9:00 service.
I have noticed that in the "gotcha" world we live in these days, more than a few preacher-types have been torn apart over something they accidentally said that was captured in an online sermon. I have seen godly pastors whom I respect and know to be solid Bible teachers, treated like heretics for something they said that was taken out of context. In today's world, there are always critics looking over your shoulder, waiting for you to fail--or to step in something--and the access to online sermons makes it easy to accuse and embarrass, not only the preacher, but the church.
I understand that people make mistakes. The internet is full of some pretty funny bloopers of pastors and others in church who have said things either they didn’t mean, or shouldn’t have said. I think back to my fall onto the stage several years ago, and have to believe that if that had been streamed online it would surely have gone viral for all the world to see. Instead just a couple hundred of my closest friends got to witness it…and enjoy my humiliation.
What especially broke my heart on Sunday was when a teenage girl came to me right after the service, and I think it was her first time to worship with us. As best I could understand, she was either adopted, or is in the process of being adopted. Apparently she had raised her hand in the service to correct me, but she was in the very back and I did not see it. Fortunately, a dear friend sitting near her who knows me and knew I didn't mean that, came to my defense and assured her I didn't believe adoption was in fact demonic. Still, after the service the young lady came to me and very passionately confronted me with the fact that adoption is NOT demonic. At first, I didn't know what she was talking about, but others agreed that I had indeed said that, and so I explained that I said it in error, and I could not apologize enough.
Thankfully most of the comments I got were supportive. "I know you didn’t mean to say adoption, but you did.” I am glad you all know by now that I would never have believed such a thing, and in fact, our church has supported adoption-focused ministries and several families who have adopted. But if you were there and didn't know any of that, or if you happened to tune in to our livestream, you would never have known that. That's why I consider the privilege of communicating God’s word each week a sacred stewardship, and I hate to have failed in such a way. I do hope you will forgive me.
But I guess I was glad to know that you all were paying attention!
I am so glad that the Lord has so graciously adopted each of us into His family, and that’s what makes us brothers and sisters together in Christ. "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, 'Abba! Father!' The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him." (Romans 8:14-17)
Happy Valentines Day! I love you all, and I am grateful for each of you. And I look forward to seeing you again Sunday as we gather together as family in Jesus' name.
--Pastor Ken