Happy Happiness Happens Month

I almost regret to inform you of this, since we've already missed nearly half the month, but August is "Happiness Happens Month." Who knew? I regret that we've already missed ten days of happiness, but I didn't want another day to go by without passing on this information so you can join the celebration.

In case you missed it, here are the details. In an effort to get more people to be happy, the Texas-based Society of Happy People has designated August as a time for us all to be happy. The group's web site, which includes a 12-Month Happiness Day Planner which you can purchase for only $9.97, says that the society's goal is for the month of cheer to rub off, so that people will spend less time talking about what makes them miserable.

They actually changed the name of their organization--it used to be the Secret Social of Happy People, but I guess with the website and all, word got out and their secret was ruined. Part of me wants to call it "Silliness Happens Month," but I do think they have a point. In a world filled with stress, frustrations and negativity, it's sure better to be around people who choose to be happy than it is to hang out with those who are always complaining about how bad life is and how miserable they are.

Of course, we know as Americans that all of us "are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." But just because we pursue happiness doesn't mean we find it, even if we buy a day planner. It all depends on where you look for it. C.S. Lewis once said: “Human history is the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy.”

Of course, those of us who call ourselves Christians shouldn't need a club or website to help us in our pursuit of happiness. As we talked about in last Sunday's sermon, Jesus said that He came to fill our lives so that His joy would be in us, and that our joy would be complete (John 15:11). It is our choice to "en-joy" life ("Rejoice in the Lord always!"), because His joy is in us, no matter the circumstances. Truly, "the joy of the Lord is our strength." (Nehemiah 8:10)

So, here's wishing you a very happy Happiness Happens Month, no matter what month it may be. May the joy of Jesus truly well up in your heart, and may it overflow and ooze all over those around you! What a witness our lives can be to the difference Christ makes, that the world will take notice that those of us who live for Him are a not-so-secret society of happy people.

I'm sure happy to be your pastor, and I'm so excited to see all that God is doing these days in our church. I'm praying for you, as I hope you are for me, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday as we gather together to celebrate His goodness. Why don't you bring a friend or two? It's going to be a great day!

--Pastor Ken


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