Learning to Be Caught

Henri Nouwen was a fascinating character. He was a Dutch Catholic priest, professor, writer and theologian. He taught at such prestigious institutions as the University of Notre Dame, Yale Divinity School and Harvard Divinity School. But then at the end of his life, Nouwen dedicated himself to working with people with intellectual and developmental disabilities at the L'Arche Daybreak community in Ontario, Canada.

In a book published after his death in 1996--that was essentially a diary of his final year of life--Nouwen gave us a wonderful picture of what genuine trust in God looks like. And he got that understanding not from his studies in theology, but from his friendship with a couple of trapeze artists.

He explained that there is a very special relationship between the trapeze "flyer" and the "catcher." Which isn't surprising, since if I was flying through the air hoping to be caught by a partner, I would sure hope our relationship was in good standing. In fact, I would want to make sure that there was never any lingering resentments on his part before we went to work.

But as he told it, as the flyer is swinging high above the crowd, the moment comes when he lets go of the trapeze, and then flies out into the air. For that moment, which I am guessing feels like an eternity, the flyer is suspended in nothingness. It is too late to reach back for the trapeze. But, it is too soon to be grasped by the one who will catch him. He cannot hurry the catch in any way. In that moment, his only job is to be as still and motionless as he can.

"The flyer must never try to catch the catcher," the trapeze artist told Nouwen. "He must wait in absolute trust. The catcher will catch him. But he must wait. His job is not to flail about in anxiety. In fact, if he does, it could kill him. His job is to be still. To wait. And to wait is the hardest work of all."

Can you relate to that? Being still....and waiting....and doing nothing...can be the hardest part of life, and of our walk of faith. Sometimes you feel like you have to DO something, to catch yourself, or to catch hold of God. But in those situations where you are not in control, the basic lesson is just like what the trapeze artist experiences. Wait on the catcher to catch you. "Be still, and know that (He) is God." (Psalm 46:10)

That's really the whole nature of faith in Christ, from beginning to end. As much as we might like to think otherwise, we can't "catch" ourselves, no matter how hard we try. Our position as lost and broken "flyers" requires us to let go. and let God catch us...or we won't be caught at all. That happens when we first trust in Christ, in saving faith, but it also happens in some sense or another every day thereafter. Learning to be caught is what our walk of faith is all about.

I pray that you will come to understand what it means to be caught, and that your dependence on the Lord will continue as your relationship with Him deepens. Have a blessed weekend, and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday. 

--Pastor Ken


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