A Team Effort

At the risk of dating myself--and I did enough of that in high school--this Sunday, July 20, will mark the anniversary of one of the most momentous events of my lifetime. I was just a kid on that date in 1969 when Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon. It was a really big deal. I still remember vividly the excitement of that historic night when we got to stay up late and hear Armstrong say, "One small step for man..." as he took that first step onto the surface of the moon.

In reality, Armstrong was one of 218,000 people involved in making that first lunar landing happen. He may have gotten most of the recognition, but he would have been the first to tell you that it was a team effort. He never would have made it to the moon had it not been for a team of thousands of committed individuals who had worked day and night for years to make it happen.

Our walk as believers--and the ministry we carry out as the church--is likewise a "team sport." God intends for us to work together to do what we could never do by ourselves. As our church's core values state, and the outdated signs on our warehouse walls remind us, "every member is a a minister," and "what we do, we do together."

That is never truer than when we as a church join together for a wonderful ministry effort like this week's Vacation Bible School. So many of you have worked tirelessly to plan and prepare for our VBS, and then we've seen more than seventy volunteers come together to give of yourselves as partners in ministry this week. Truly, the Lord has been honored, and I'm excited to see the fruit that He is bearing in the lives of the children, as well as the adult and youth workers.
Thanks to each of you for your sacrifice and service, and thanks be to God for the eternal things He is doing in the lives of boys and girls this week. Please continue to pray that "He who began a good work, will continue to complete it in Christ Jesus." (Phil. 1:6)
