The Heart of a Servant
As we faced the changes associated with going to two worship services in the last month, one of the things we asked from the Shelby Crossings family was that people would approach this not so much as "consumers," but as servants. Instead of asking, "What is in this for me?' we hoped the focus would be "How can I serve to make this work?" so we could better reach out community.
We have not been disappointed. There have been several encouraging displays of selflessness, sacrifice, and service in and around the Shelby Crossings church family over the past few weeks, which is not really out of the ordinary for our church. I have constantly been reminded of the apostle Paul's words from Philippians 2, about our call to consider others more important than ourselves, and about having the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus, who traded in heaven's glory for the life of a servant, even to the point of dying on the cross for the very ones who betrayed Him.
With that in mind, I wanted to share some quotes on servanthood from a little coffee-table type book I received a few years back, called The Gentle Art of a Servant's Heart, with art by Vincent van Gogh and quotations by Chuck Swindoll from the Beatitudes.
Here are a few quotes from Swindoll, minus the van Gogh art. May God use them as He continues to mold our hearts into Christ-likeness.
"The attitude of being poor in spirit is one of absolute, unvarnished humility. It is the portrait of one who sees himself/herself as spiritually bankrupt, deserving of nothing...who turns to Almighty God in total trust."
"The person with a servant's heart--not unlike a child trusting completely in his parent's provision--is promised a place in Christ's kingdom.""A true servant stays in touch with the struggles others experience. There is that humility of mind that continually looks for ways to serve and to give.""In the ultimate victory the gentle will win. Believe that, servant-in-the-making! Be different from the system!""Servants with renewed minds have a perspective on life and power to live life that is altogether unique--divinely empowered. That explains how wrongs can be forgiven, and how offenses can be forgotten.""True servants are merciful. They care. They get involved. They offer more than pious words.""Servants who are 'pure in heart' have peeled off their masks. And God places special blessing on their lives.""It is doubtful Jesus despised anything among those who claimed to serve God more than hypocrisy--a lack of purity of heart. It represented the antithesis of servanthood."
I'm praying for you, and I hope to see you Sunday.
--Pastor Ken