Show and Tell

I came across an old copy of a Focus on the Family magazine from several years that I had saved because of a real-life story on the back cover submitted by one of their readers. The story came from a woman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I'll let her tell it:

While I was clipping her toenails, my kindergarten daughter mulled over what to bring to school the next day for show and tell. When I finished hers, I clipped my own. My daughter was fascinated by the size of my toenails. The next morning I forgot to pack something for show and tell. I expected my daughter to be crushed when I picked her up. I cautiously asked her how her day was, and she replied, "It was just the best day, Mom!" Surprised, I told her how sorry I was that I forgot show and tell. "It's okay, I brought something really great. It's in my backpack." I opened her backpack to find my toenail clippings--all 10!"

I don't know about you, but the first thing I imagined when I read that story (other than "eww, gross!") was the look on the teacher's face when the little girl pulled out her mom's toenails for show and tell. Certainly, that story was the talk of the teacher's lounge before the day was over!
I also imagined the bright red color of a blushing mother's face when she thought about how the tale of her clippings was making its rounds at the school. All because a little girl was proud of the "trophies" she collected from her mother's toenail clipping, and was all too happy to share them with her little world.
Show and tell. An interesting concept. And a pretty good synopsis of our call as Christians to "show" the world the life-changing difference Christ makes in our lives, and "tell" them of His love for them. It all starts, I believe, with our being excited enough about the Lord and His grace to us that we can't help but want to "show and tell" others about the gospel.
Do you really believe Jesus Christ is the answer to the uncertainty and hopelessness of our world today? If so, does your life show it? And are you telling anyone about Him? "How can they believe if they have never heard about Him?" the apostle Paul asked. "And how can they hear about Him unless someone tells them?" (Romans 10:14, NLT). How, indeed?
My prayer for each of you is that your life and testimony for Christ is a memorable "show and tell" for the world around you this week. I look forward to seeing you Sunday.
--Pastor Ken
